Friday, December 12, 2014


We are currently having a problem with the Chrome Browser on iPad devices.  When you try to log into ListIT on an iPad, using the Chrome Browser, the browser "freezes" before it completes the load.  As a temporary work around, please use the Safari Browser, or go to and login as an agent. (this is not the same as your MLS login)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mapping Changes in MLS

Last week the mapping program inside of ListIt was updated.  Now when performing a proximity search in the MLS, when you click find, it does that and ONLY that.  It finds that address.  You then have to choose what statuses you want to include from the menu on the left of the map and then YOU HAVE TO CLICK "ADD CHECKED STATUS".  Then click on "ACCEPT SEARCH AREA" at the bottom left and you will be taken back to Pro-Search to add additional criteria.


Emails from MLS going to Junk/ Spam Folders

The current MLS System - ListIt uses a method of email referred to as Spoofing.  Due to the frequent mis-use of this method, almost all email systems now send spoofed email to the junk mail folder.  It is possible for your client's to "Whitelist" or pre-approve all email from your address so that it goes to their inbox.  However the method to program this is different for every email system (AOL, yahoo, gmail, exchange, etc.)  One solution is to open the MLS in one window and your email in a separate window.  Rather than email directly from the MLS, you can use the copy button:

Then in your email, create a new message to that client or prospect.  Edit your subject line, then in the body of the message, paste the link from your clipboard. (in Windows, press Ctrl and V together).  Then add any personalized message you would like to include and click send.  I would encourage you to test this with your own email address so that you see what it looks like before sending to a client.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Search Results on Mobile Devices

Ongoing issue with mobile devices:

When accessing the  MLS from mobile devices, there is an issue with the search results.  As of right now, the top two results on a search report are unresponsive on mobile devices.  


As a temporary work around, please broaden your search so that you have more than 3 listings to choose from.  Then you can click one of the column headers and re-sort the report so that the listing you are clicking is not within the top two options.  

We are working with Solid Earth to correct this but do not have an ETA at this time.